Treating Team
The nursing team and therapy team, together with the Registrar and Consultant Psychiatrist constitute the core of our treating team.
Treating Psychiatrist
A comprehensive psychiatric plan developed by your psychiatrist consists of:
- formulation of a psychiatric diagnosis;
- identification of barriers to recovery;
- development of an intensive, goal-directed plan;
- recommendation for duration of therapy.
Your psychiatric treatment may include pharmacological intervention with various forms of psychotropic (psychiatric) medications and other forms of biological therapies.
Psychiatric Registrar
The Marian Centre is recognised by the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) as a postgraduate training centre for Registrars in Psychiatry. They represent a group of selected experienced medical practitioners who are undergoing very dynamic training in Psychiatry. All aspects of their work at the Marian Centre is closely monitored and supervised by the Accredited Consultant Psychiatrists who are also additionally accredited for their role as clinical supervisors. The clinical supervision process is regulated by specific standards outlined by RANZCP and regularly reviewed at supervisor’s meetings. This process requires not only specific clinical teaching, but also shapes the registrars’ approach to their patients, broad understanding of the diagnostic and therapy process, as well as defines them as independent medical specialists in their future professional career.
The Registrars are involved in all aspects of clinical care as supervised by their Accredited Consultant Psychiatrists. All decisions and overall responsibility for the clinical care lies with their Supervisor. The Registrar is a part of our treating team who coordinates multidisciplinary meetings and clinical contacts with other agencies.
Visiting Medical Officers
During the course of your treatment at the Marian Centre you may require additional medical support and a formal review by other medical practitioners, such as General Physicians, Cardiologists Neurologists etc.
The Marian Centre formally accredits Visiting Medical Practitioners from various medical specialties to provide comprehensive psychiatric and medical care. Referral to these specialists will be initiated by your Consultant Psychiatrist or Psychiatry Registrar (after consultation with your treating Psychiatrist).
Nursing Staff
Our nurses have a wide range of specialist skills. Their advice, support and counselling will facilitate your recovery and monitor your progress through different stages of clinical care and preparations for discharge. They also provide support, with your permission, to your family and other people involved in your care.
The nursing staff changeovers occur three times daily; therefore you have one nurse for the morning, afternoon and night respectively.
Therapy Staff
Our specialised therapy programs are developed and delivered by our therapy team. In collaboration with your Consultant Psychiatrist your specific clinical needs will be assessed for referral providing you access to the most appropriate therapy program. Within these programs therapy staff aim to work with you to achieve the goals set at the beginning of your therapy program.
The administration staff will assist you with a range of issues from the initial registration (introduction to the Centre is done by nursing staff as part of the admission process) to discussions about the payment process and full financial disclosure of all the charges associated with your stay and your treatment.
Our Housekeeping staff will make your stay as pleasant as possible. They are dedicated to providing and maintaining an environment that is safe and comfortable.