Our team of Psychiatrists, Medical, Nursing and Allied Health professionals provide expert care to manage and treat mental health disorders.
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Our facility is designed to deliver care in the least restrictive manner. This allows patients to feel relaxed and comfortable, with patient safety our first priority.
Latest news
Fatigue vs Resilience
In the current climate of COVID-19, life as we have known and lived it has changed dramatically and changed without warning. Whilst continually hoping that life will return to ‘normal’ our hopes have been dashed with each outbreak and subsequent lockdown.
Mindfulness in May
Discover how mindfulness can help you and your mental health journey today.
All it takes is 10 minutes a day.
Important COVID update
Changes to hospital visitors requirements in accordance with WA Health, effective 3 March, 2022.
Your hospital stay
What to expect from mental health treatment in hospital and how can it benefit you.