Consumer and Carer Committee

Our consumer and carer committee plays a key role in improving the experiences and care we provide our patients.

We aim to include patients and significant others in decisions that affect their well being and care at an organisational level.

Consumers and carers have a right to participate the care and service that they receive. We welcome feedback, to ensure that Marian Centre can continually improve the services we provide to consumers and their families.

We engage with consumers and carers to obtain feedback about what the hospital does well, as well as suggestions and ideas about what it could do to improve the experience that patients have. Regular feedback is obtained in four ways:

  1. All patient rooms and reception hold feedback cards for those wanting to use them.
  2. All patients are requested to complete a patient satisfaction survey on discharge.
  3. Patient groups are often requested to provide information via verbal feedback or questionnaires on specific services within the hospital or review new initiatives.
  4. Consumer and carer representative group meetings coordinated by the Marian Centre Quality and Risk Manager.

Patients are regularly provided with information about the hospitals services including reviews of performance, new initiatives and management of safety and risks.